Military and overseas voters
Am I eligible?
You are eligible to participate in Wyandotte County Elections as a military or overseas voter if one of the following apply:
Are a member of the uniformed services (U.S. Armed Forces, Merchant Marine, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
A U.S. citizen residing outside the United States
An adult spouse or dependent of one of the above categories.
In addition, you must consider Wyandotte County to be your county of residence in the United States, though a residence does not need to be owned.
How do I sign up?
All military and overseas civilians wishing to vote in Wyandotte County elections must submit a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). This application must be submitted yearly.
Obtaining the application
You may obtain and complete the FPCA by visiting the Federal Voting Assistance Program's website. You may obtain a paper copy of the form from the U.S. Embassy, your Commanding Officer or Voting Assistance Officer. The application registers you to vote in every election that takes place during that calendar year. You will need to submit a new application each calendar year.
Submitting the application
Your FPCA should be submitted directly to the Election Office:
Wyandotte County Election Office
850 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101
By email: [email protected]
By fax: 913-573-8580
How do I vote?
Receiving your ballot
As a military or overseas voter, Kansas law allows you several options for receiving and returning your ballot:
By U.S. Postal delivery
By email
By fax
You will choose your preferred method when you fill out your FPCA. Regardless of transmission method, if you have an active FPCA on file, your ballot will be sent not later than 45 days prior to Election Day.
Returning your ballot
Your voted ballot must be received in our office by 7 p.m. on Election Day in order for it to be counted. You have three options for returning your ballot:
You may mail your ballot to our office in the return envelope provided. Please keep in mind the extended postal delivery times for overseas mail.
You may fax your ballot by following the instructions enclosed with your ballot. If you choose to fax your ballot, please promptly mail the original ballot to our office.
You may email your voted ballot by following the instructions provided with your ballot.
The Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot
The Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) should only be used in the following specific scenario:
You have already submitted an FPCA
You have not yet received your ballot
You are submitting the FWAB from a location outside the United States
If you receive your requested ballot after submitting the FWAB, please attempt to vote it and return it by the deadline. This ensures you have the opportunity to vote on all the races and questions on your ballot. If we receive both by the deadline, we will count the full ballot and not the FWAB. If we do not receive your full ballot, your FWAB will be counted.